Road to O Levels: Past Year Papers
- 17-24th Oct: MCQ (Both Phys and Chem) Phys - Jurongville
- 17-24th Structured Phys - Northland
- 17-24th Oct: Structured Chem - Bedok Green
- Phys - Unity
- Chem - Xinmin
- 10-17th Oct: Structured Chem - Bukit Batok
3rd-10th October
- Math: e-math sec 4 na sa2 2018 swiss cottage sec
- HW: Phys - Woodlands Sec Everything both structured and MCQ
- Chem: Chem - St Hilda Structured
HW for 26th Sept - 3rd October
- Math: Paper 2 Q1,3-8,10 Math - Yuan Ching
- Math: Both Paper 1 and 2 Math - Beatty 2017
- Chem: MCQ Chem - St Hilda
- Phys: 2017 MCQ
HW for 19th Sept - 26th September
- Math: Redo TYS 2015 Paper 2 Q4 (the construction question)
- Math: 2016 TYS Paper 2 Q1-9
- Math: Paper 1 of Math - Yuan Ching (Skip Q17)
HW for 5th Sept - 12th September
- Math: 2015 TYS Paper 2 Everything
- Chem: Chem - Serangoon Sec MCQ
- Phys: 2015 TYS Structured Q1,2, 5-9
- Optional: MCQ
Chem - Maris Stella
HW for 29th August - 5th September
- Math: 2015 TYS Paper 1 Everything
- Chem: Maris Stella Structured Q9
- Phys: 2015 TYS Structured Q12
Plan for 29th August: TYS MCQ Chem/Phys 2015
HW for 22nd August-29th August
- MCQ only: Phys Damai
- MCQ only: Chem Greenridge
HW for 15th August-22nd August
- Chem: MCQ Q1-17, Structured: Everything. Skip the organic qns (A6, B11)
Chem - Geylang Methodist
- Phys: MCQ Q1-Q17, Q19, Structured: Everything. Skip the magnet qns (Q6,Q11) Phys - Changkat
HW for 12th August-15th August
- Physics: MCQ Q1-19 Phys - Broadrick
- Chem: MCQ Q21-38 Chem - Fuhua
8th August: Paper to try together
Math - JunyuanHW for 12th August-15th August
- Everything: Both P1 and P2 except P1Q15 (done), P2Q11 (done), P2Q12 (circle properties) Math - Huayi
Plan for 25th July-2nd Aug
- Math: Paper 2 Q1-11 Math - Greendale
Plan for 18th-25th July
- Physics: MCQ Q1-19, Structured Q1-8, 10, 11 Phys - Bedok South
- Chem: MCQ Q1-17, Structured Q1-5, 7,9 Chem - Fuchun
- Math: Paper 1 Q1-24 Math - Greendale
HW for 11th-18th July
- Physics: Phys - Bartley
MCQ Q1-15
Structured Q10,11,12 - Chem: Chem Evergreen
MCQ Q1-11
Structured Q8,9 - Math: Math Bedok Green 2017
Paper 2 Q1-10
Plan for 4th July
- Review of the syllabus: 5076_5077_5078_y20_sy_clt
Physics: Page 8, Chem: Page 23 - Physics: Structured HW: 5-8 Phys - Bartley
- Chem: Structured HW: Q1,2,6,7 Chem Evergreen
- Math: Paper 1 Q1-17 Math Bedok Green 2017
HW for 20th-27th June
- Math Junyuan Paper 2 Everything Math Junyuan 2018 MYE
- Physics TYS 2014 Structured Paper 2 Everything Q1-11,13 (skip Q12)
- Physics TYS 2014 MCQ Everything Q1-18 (skip Q19-20)
- Chem MCQ Q1-18 Chem CHIJ Katong
Chem CHIJ KatongMath Junyuan Answers
HW for 13th-20th June
- Math Junyuan Paper 1 Everything Math Junyuan 2018 MYE
- Chem Structured Everything Q1-8 (skip Q9) Q10-11 (skip Q12) Chem CHIJ Katong
HW for 20th-27th June
- Math Junyuan Paper 2 Everything Math Junyuan 2018 MYE
- Physics TYS 2014 Structured Paper 2 Everything Q1-11,13 (skip Q12)
- Physics TYS 2014 MCQ Everything Q1-18 (skip Q19-20)
- Chem MCQ Q1-18 Chem CHIJ Katong
HW for 6th-13th June
- Math TYS 2014 Paper 2 Everything
- Physics TYS 2013 Paper 1 MCQ Q1-18
- Physics TYS 2013 Paper 2 Choose 2 out of 3 for Q9-11
- Chem Structured Q5,8 Chem Canberra 2017
Plan for 30th May:
- Discuss HW
- Phys 2012 TYS Structured Q7-9
- Math e-math sec 4 na sa2 2018 acs barker
- Chem MCQ Q21-37 Chem Canberra 2017
HW for 23rd May-30th May
- Math TYS 2013 Paper 2 Q5-10
- Chem TYS 2014 Structured Q1-7, 9-10
- Phys TYS 2012 MCQ Q1-19
- Phys TYS 2012 Structured Q10-12
- ** HW Plan for 30th May - 6th June **
- Math TYS 2014 Paper 1 Everything
- Physics TYS 2013 Paper 2 Q1-7, Choose 2 out of 3 for Q9-11
- Chem Structured Q1-3 Chem Canberra 2017
Plan for 23rd May:
- Discuss HW
- Phys 2012 TYS Structured Q1-9
- Math TYS 2013 P2 Q1,2,11b,12Math TYS 2013
HW for 16th-23rd May
- Math TYS 2013 Paper 1 Math TYS 2012 Q1-5,7-16,19,24-25
- Chem 2014 TYS MCQ Q1-17
- Phys 2011 TYS Structured Q5-11 Phys TYS 2011
Plan for 16th May:
- Discuss HW
- Phys 2011 TYS Structured Q1-7 Phys TYS 2011
- Math TYS 2013 P1 Q6,17-23 Math TYS 2013
HW for 9th-16th May
- Math TYS 2012 Paper 2 Math TYS 2012 Q7,9,10a,11,12
- Chem 2012 TYS Structured Q11
- Chem 2013 TYS Structured Q1-7
- Phys 2011 TYS MCQ Q1-19 Phys TYS 2011
- Phys 2011 TYS Structured Q12 Phys TYS 2011
Plan for 9th May:
- Discuss HW
- Phys 2010 TYS Structured Q7,10,13,14 Phys TYS 2010
- Phys 2011 TYS Structured Q13 Phys TYS 2011
- Chem 2013 TYS Structured Q9-10
- Math TYS 2013 P1 Q24-25 Math TYS 2013
HW for 2nd-9th May
- Math HW 2nd May
- Math TYS 2012 Paper 1 Math TYS 2012 Q16-24
- Math TYS 2012 Paper 2 Math TYS 2012 Q1-6
- Chem 2013 TYS MCQ Q1-16
- Phys 2010 TYS Structured Q1-6, 8-10 Phys TYS 2010
Plan for 2nd May:
- Discuss HW
- Chem 2012 TYS Structuerd Q7,9-10
- Phys 2010 TYS Structured Q7, 12 Phys TYS 2010
- Math Circle Properties Math Cirlcles
- Math TYS 2012 P1 Q7-15 Math TYS 2012
HW for 25th-3rd May
- Math TYS 2012 Paper 2 Math TYS 2022 Q1-6
- Math: 4 extra questions: Math HW 25th April
- Chem TYS 2011 Paper 1 (MCQ) Q16,17, Paper 3 Section B (Structured) Q9
- Phys 2010 TYS MCQ Q1-20 Phys TYS 2010
Plan for 25th April:
- Discuss HW
- Chem Chem 25th April
- Phys Topic 18: Practical Electricity Phys Topic 18 Practical Electricity
- Math Circle Properties Math Circles
- Math TYS 2011 P1 Q20-25 Math TYS 2011
Plan for 18th April:
- Discuss HW
- Chem Q7,9 Chem Canberra 2017
- Phys Topic 18: Practical Electricity Phys Topic 18 Practical Electricity
- Phys Assumption 2019 P2 Q4,6-7 Phys Assumption 2019
- Math Circle Properties Math Circles
- Math TYS 2011 P2 Q4-7 Math TYS 2011
HW for 18th-25th April
- Math TYS 2011 P1 Q12-19
- Chem TYS 2012 Paper 3 (Structured) P3 Q1-3, 5-6, 8
- Phys Assumption 2019 Paper 2 Section B Q4, 9-10 Phys Assumption 2019
Plan for 11th April:
- Discuss HW
- Chem QA Q3-4. Chem QA
- Chem Admiralty 2017 P3 Q7 Chem Admiralty 2017
- Phys Topic 15-17: Static Electricity, Current Electricity, DC Circuits. Phys Topic 16 Current of Electicity Phys Topic 17 DC Circuits Phys Topic 15 Static Electricity
- Phys Assumption 2019 P2 Q3 Phys Assumption 2019
- Math Probability Math Probability
- Math TYS 2011 P2 Q4-7 Math TYS 2011
Zoom Link
Zoom meeting link Meeting ID: 417 847 7601HW for 11th-18th April
- Math TYS 2011 P1 Q1-11
- Chem TYS 2012 P3 Q1-3, 5-6
- Phys TYS Topic 17 P2 Q1-4
HW for 4th-11th April
- Chemistry:
- 2011 TYS Paper 3 Q1, 6
- 2012 TYS Paper 1 MCQ Q1-16
- Physics:
- TYS Topic 13 EM Waves: Paper 2 Section A: Q2,3
- TYS Topic 14 Sound: Paper 2 Section A: Q3
- TYS Topic 14 Sound: Paper 2 Section B: Q1
- Maths: 2010 TYS Paper 2 Q9-12.
I will be placing the files I'd be using during this period of time in the Google Drive here: Google Drive Link
Plan for 4th April:
- Discuss HW
- Chem QA. Admiralty 2017 P3 Q7
- Phys Topic 13: EM Waves, Topic 14 Sound, Assumption 2019 P2 Q2
- Math TYS 2011 P2 Q1-3