Early TYS
- 2009
2009 Paper 1: Q1, 3, 4(i)(ii), 6, 7, 8, 10, 11(i),(ii)
2009 Paper 2: Q1, 2, 3 - 2010
2010 Paper 1: Q1, 2, 3(i), 4, 5, 8(i)(ii), 9, 10, 11
2010 Paper 2: Q1, 2(ii), 3(i),(iia),(iii), 4
Extra worksheet
- Q3, 5-7, 9, 11, 1_InequalitiesEqns_2019
- Q2-5, 7, 9, 11-13, 15 Q1a Inequalities questions
Compiled 50 mark/1.5hr test prep
Vectors June 2020 Lines and Planes 2
Transformations (descriptive type) worksheet
Discussion points for 14th June
- Tougher vector questions: techniques to form equations with just one unknown
- Advanced function manipulation
- A recap of the $R$-formula and a preview to formulas from next year
Files for test prep
- 2_Graphs_2019
- 3_Functions_2019
- 10a_Vectors1_2019
- 10b_Vectors2_2019
- Vectors May 2020
Vectors May 2020 Answers