
Stats Definition and Theory Handout

Stats Definitions (Updated)

HW 6th-12th July:

Plan for 28th June:

  • My recommended plan: Start with CJC Q8-10.
  • Then work on MJC Q7-10
  • Then CJC Q7, 1, 2
  • Optional: CJC Q3-6
  • CJC 2018 MYE
  • MJC 2018 MYE

Plan for 21st June:

Plan for 14th June:

Plan for 7th June:

Plan for 31th May:

  • Review any questions from last week/school/tutorial
  • We continue with last week's work on vectors and 2015 TYS but start transitioning back to statistics to prepare for school.
  • 2015 TYS Paper 1 Pure Math: Q10,11. Paper 2 Q1,2,3.
  • 2015 TYS Paper 2 Stats: Q6 (still do parts (ii) and (iii). just ignore the words "suitable approximation), Q9, Q11, Q12

Plan for 24th May:

HW Review

  • Q1: Check eqn 2, $1.6^2$ became $64$. Also, rather than solve by hand, the technique we want to use here is the SLE GC app. Ecf for parts (ii) and (iii)
  • Q2: Good
  • Q3: (i) Mention infinity in the phrasing.
    (ii) Careless in integration
  • Q4: Last step careless/handwriting error. Also need to prove the area is maximum.
  • Q5: (i) is good. (ii): Need open/closed circles. (iii): shape not accurate enough
  • Overall: 22/31

Plan for 17th May:

  • Review any questions from last week/school/tutorial
  • General comments: presentation of distribution, use of $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$ vs $E(2X+3Y)$ and $Var(2X+3Y)$, handling modulus, "within", "differ".
  • Specific questions from S5_Normal: Q1a, 2b,c,d, 3c, 4a(ii), b, 6a,b, 8b,c,9c,d
  • Mixed random variables Q1-3. QSS Random Variables
  • Past topics review. TYS 2015 Q1-5. 2015

HW for 17th-24th May:

  • TYS 2015 Q6-9a. 2015

Plan for 10th May:

  • Review any questions from last week/school/tutorial
  • Normal Past Prelim Questions Q4-6,8a,b,c(skip d),9 S5_Normal

HW for 10th-17th May:

  • Normal Past Prelim Questions Q1a,b,c,2,3 S5_Normal

HW for 3rd-10th May:

Plan for 3rd May:

Plan for 26th April:

  • Review any questions from last week/school/tutorial
  • Drill work on Binomial: past prelim binomial questions Q1a,b, 2, 3, 4, 5a,b,c, 6a,b S4_Binomial_2020
  • If school has started it/we have time, we start discussion on Normal: Normal Basic Questions

HW plan for 26th-3rd May:

Plan for 19th April:

  • Review any questions from last week/school/tutorial
  • Start discussion on Binomial: DRV Binomial notes
  • Basic binomial questions: Binomial Basic Questions
  • Past prelim binomial questions: S4_Binomial_2020
  • Binomial concepts checklist:
    • Basic concepts, 4 conditions + assumptions
    • Use of GC: binompdf, binomcdf
    • Conversion of different inequalities into cdf form
    • Application of binomial to solve problem sums
    • Tougher problem sums: "nested" binomials
    • Use of GC: tables and graphs
    • $E(X)$ and $Var(X)$
    • Discussion about modes: use of GC + Use of $P(X=x)$ formula

HW plan for 12th-19th April:

Plan for 5th April:

  • Review any questions from last week/school/tutorial
  • Work on and discuss Probability Worksheet: Q11 together.
  • Summary notes on probability: Probability Summary Notes
  • Start on the new topic: DRV.
    • Basic concepts of DRV
    • Pdf (table/function)
    • $E(X)$, $Var(X)$ and related formulas.
    • Linear combinations of DRV: e.g. $2X+3$, $X-5Y$.
  • Past prelims worksheet on DRV: S3_DRV
  • Questions for this week: Q1-7.

Google Drive I will be storing files in for this period of time:

29th March-5th April:

  • HW: Q5, 12-15

Plan for 29th March:

  • Check on homework for "Integration & Complex Numbers" Worksheet
  • Check on what went on in school the past week + your questions
  • Continue discussing Probability: mutually exclusive events and independent events
  • Drill work on probability: Probability Worksheet

For the probability worksheet, the questions with asterisks (**) are from the next topic of DRV and can be skipped. Q2c is a tough question. I've explained the technique in tackling these sort of questions in two TYS examples in the following youtube videos. You can either look at those videos or ask me to explain to you directly.